Young Tribal Leaders Program

The Young Tribal Leaders Program (YTLP) embraces the mission of CSSP to heal Mother Earth. We’re taking our rightful place within the global environmental movement to fulfill our responsibilities to Mother Nature. We build hope grounded in Indigenous knowledge and values and believe that Native storytelling is central to solving the climate crisis of our time. We take the lead from those that have come before us as we recognize that the work we do is for those who have yet to come. 

 The Young Tribal Leaders Program creates opportunities for young people to learn cultural and professional skills. Specifically, it includes planning and representation at speaking engagements, creating episodes for the YAI (Young and Indigenous) Podcast, assisting at all levels of film production, and conducting interviews and analysis for the Salmon People Research. Our main goal is growing leadership for the next generation. 



As we enter our third year of the Young and Indigenous Podcast (YAI), we are proud to welcome two new team members while we embark on Season Two of this locally loved and nationally recognized podcast. YAI podcast is led by our youth leaders and features Tribal voices, both old and young. With this wisdom from the elders and hope from our youth we create these episodes in tangent with the themes and events of CSSP to inspire hope for a vibrant future. YAI features music recorded and produced locally by tribal members and CSSP musical collaborators. 

We would like to thank our early supporters, First Nations Development Institute and Potlatch Fund for believing in us from the beginning! Our support has grown and includes our partners at NOVO, The Satterberg Foundation, The Northsound ACH, Discuren Foundation, Critical Role Foundation, Lhaq’temish Foundation and more. Our community partners include Western Washington University, Northwest Indian College,The Lummi Nation, Whatcom Museum, KMRE, and you! Check us out on Spotify or Apple iTunes and please reach out and say hello - we love to hear from the community.